payment-gateway-integration1Payment Gateway Integration

We offer integration of a wide variety of different payment and systems into our e-commerce platform or 3rd party platforms.

Syltech Vision specializes in payment gateway integrations . We have provided payment gateway integration services for retail shopping cart business, subscription based websites, C2C payment systems, multivendor pay-outs, donation sites and many more.

Our payment gateway integration services have helped numerous clients to provide different payment options on their site, based on their business needs. Our team of professionals use a variety of technologies to ensure secure and fast payment transactions. Our professionals are expertise in PCI complaints integrations, SSL integrations, API and hosted payment integrations.

Our developers are not only expertise in simple payment gateway integration services, but also in hosted model payment integration services, recurring payment integration, adaptive payment integrations and mass payment integration. Our payment gateway services provide the above mentioned types of payments and ensure optimum security & fraud prevention to the clients during online transactions.

Our web development team is certified with most of the companies that offer Payment gateway services, we can integrate your website with virtually any payment gateway company right away. The following list shows some of the gateways we actually work with, but never the less, if yours does not appear on that list we are 100% confident we can integrate a payment system into your website no matter what.

Types Of Integration

There are a number of different types of payment integration. We are proficient and experienced in handling all of them. The two main methods are off site integration and Direct Access. Some providers only offer one, while others offer both.

Off Site

Off Site Integration is where the customer will go to checkout on your site and then be passed onto the payment provider for the customer to enter their payment details. The customer is then passed back the site on completion of the payment.

Direct Access

Direct Access integration is where the customer enters the details within the website, but the website itself never gets access to the card details. They are sent securely encrypted via a direct link to the payment gateway. This is by far the most professional off the integration types and allows for full control and custom error handling during the process.

Finally, the two main types aside. There is iFrame integration which is essentially cross between the above two. In this integration, the customer is given the impression that they do not leave the website. However, the iFrame is actually accessing the payment provider discreetly. This keeps the professional aspect but is an easier process to integrate.


Payment Gateways We Integrate and Support

Amazon Payments (FPS)

● Barclays ePDQ

● WorldPay

● BluePay

● First Data Global Gateway

● goMerchant

● SagePay

● Google Wallet

● HSBC Global Payments

● Pay-me-now

● Paypal / Payflow

● Skrill

If your payment gateway is not listed, please contact us as we will able to help you.

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